World of business can be hectic. To keep track of all the necessary things to do and whom to call, Insly system allows you to add reminders and tasks to the dashboard calendar so that you would always have an overview of what is left to do.
Adding tasks and reminders
You have several options of how you can add tasks and reminders to the system. First possibility is to do it straight from the Dashboard.
Whenever you are on the dashboard, you should see a "Reminders" section. Here all the reminders and tasks that have not been completed are shown.
To add a new task, click on the "Add" button.
Now, a new window pops up:
Here you have plenty of options to configure the task:
By choosing a responsible, you can add the task only to yourself, to all the brokers or specifically to someone else. This changes who will see the task in their calendar.
When you add a customer, the task will be linked to a specific customer and can be seen under that customer's card.
You can also choose a priority to this task. Later, you are able to sort the tasks in the "Reminders" section by priority.
By checking the "Reminder" box, you mark that the task will appear in the "Reminders" section at the marked time. If not checked, it will only be shown in the calendar.
To see tasks and reminders in calendar view, simply click on the "Calendar" tab:
Tasks can also be added from
the customer card;
Completing/Deleting tasks
Once you have completed the tasks, you can simply click on the task and click "Complete" button to remove the task from the calendar and "Reminders" section. If you created the task by mistake, you can delete it by clicking on "Delete" button.
Creating projects
Sometimes there is a need to gather all the tasks under a specific project. In Insly system you are able to create projects to do just that.
To add projects, go to the "Projects" tab and click on "Add a project" button.
Now, a new window opens. Simply fill in the necessary fields and click on "Add a project" button.
In the project overview page, you can now add tasks to these projects as well. The tasks will also be linked to the customer who was linked to the project and can be seen in the customer overview card.
Deleting a project
To delete a project, simply click on "Delete project" button.
Note: All the tasks that were created under the project will be deleted as well!