Once you have added installments to your policies, you need to somehow convert these installments to invoices. There are several easy possibilities to do this in the Insly system.
Generating invoices
Generate invoices from the installment schedule
First option is to open the "Installment schedule" tab of your policy. Here, select an installment, go to the "dollar sign" and click on "Create invoice" button.
Note: For this option to appear, you have to mark the "Collection" as "broker collects all payments" or "broker 1st, insurer followup payments" when creating a policy!
Now, a new window pops up and you just need to click on "Create invoice" button. If the customer has any prepayments, you can also select to add a payment from that as well.
Once the invoice has been created, you can see that the status has changed in the "Status w/ customer" column to "invoice created". If you now click on the "invoice created" -> "[invoice number]", you will be directed to the invoice overview page where you can easily send it to the customer.
Generate multiple invoices at once
To generate multiple invoices from installments, click on "Invoicing" -> "Generate invoices" and you are directed to the list of installments without invoices. There, check the boxes of the installments for which you want to create the invoice and simply click "Generate invoices".
Now you can see that these installments have been removed from this list. You can see the list of your created invoices by clicking on "Invoicing" -> "Invoices".
Generating consolidated invoices
You can also choose to create consolidated invoices.
To do this, click on "Invoicing" -> "Generate invoices". Once you have selected the installments to add to the invoice, scroll down and click on "create consolidate invoices" in the dropdown.
Click "Generate invoices". All the installments of the same customer will now appear on the same invoice pdf document and can be sent to the customer.