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Using E-mail Templates

How to change e-mail templates and add new ones?

Kai Baltmischkis avatar
Written by Kai Baltmischkis
Updated over a week ago

In Insly system, you can easily modify the e-mail templates you want to send out automatically in different situations. There is also a possibility to add new template versions in addition to the provided ones. 

Overview of e-mail templates

In your "System management" -> "E-mails & PDF printouts" you have the possibility to modify how your sent e-mails look like. To do this, open "E-mail templates".

When you first sign up, there are 6 different e-mail templates already created for you. You are able to modify these templates as you wish. To do that, click on a "pencil" button behind the template you wish to edit. 

Note: when editing, pay close attention to placeholders (for example {policy_insurer}, which gives information about an insurer) - if these are incorrect, you will not get the information from the system! 

Add a new template

In addition to using and modifying provided e-mail templates, you can also add new ones. To do that, click on "+" button.

There are different e-mail choices for which you can create a template. Each one gives different parameters and settings that are suitable for that kind of e-mail.

How it should look like?

When creating a new e-mail template, you can use provided templates as an example of how they can be set up. 

For example:
Unpaid insurance payment notice

Dear customer,

according to our records, the following insurance payment intermediated by us has not been received by the insurer:

Insurer: {policy_insurer}
Policy no: {policy_no}
Insured object(s): {policy_displayname}
Sum: {policy_installment_sum} {policy_installment_currency}

Please make the payment to the insurer as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact us for further clarification.


Best regards,
{broker_person_email|E-mail: }
{broker_person_mobile|Mobile: }
{broker_person_phone|Phone: }

Additional options

You can also add images to your e-mail templates - for example to display a logo of your company in the e-mail signature. To get more information on how to do this, read this article about adding images to e-mail templates.

Enabling HTML editing

If you want to make more advanced changes to your templates, you can also enable HTML editing to do that. For that, go to "E-mail settings" in your system management, scroll down, check the box "Use HTML email editing" and click "Save".

Now, you have more options to edit your templates.

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