Once you have generated invoices, you most likely want to send these to your customers. This article gives you an overview of the possibilities how to do that.
If you need help with generating invoices, go to this article to read more about it.
Sending invoices to customers
Send invoice from the invoice overview
There are a few different ways for you to send invoices to customers. First, you can open the invoice, click on the "invoice created" -> "[invoice number]" and you will be directed to the invoice overview page where you can easily send it to the customer.
To e-mail the invoice to the customer, click on the "Mail invoice" button in the top of the invoice overview page.
A new window will pop up where you can edit the e-mail if needed. Click on "Send e-mail" to forward this to your customer.
Send invoice from invoices list
Another option is to open your created invoices from "Invoicing" -> "Invoices", click on the "settings" button of the invoice you want to forward to the customer, and either print the pdf file that opens or click "Send e-mail".
You can also open the invoice by clicking on the invoice number and do the same actions as previously described from the invoice overview page.
Send multiple invoices at once
If you want to send several invoices, it may be easier to go to "Invoicing" -> "Send invoices". If you look at the filter section, you can now choose whether you want to send all the invoices by e-mail or to print and mail these instead.
E-mailing invoices. Here, just check the boxes of the invoices you want to send to customers, choose a template and click "E-mail invoices".
Print and mail invoices. To print the invoices, check the boxes of the invoices, choose a template and a pdf file containing all chosen invoices opens. Then you just need to save this pdf file to your computer or print it directly from the browser and you're done!
Additional Questions and Answers:
"I want to send several invoices via e-mails to customers, but there are no check boxes in front of some. Instead, there is an envelope mark. What does it mean?"
If you see that there is no box to check for some customers, it means that there is no e-mail address for this customer in the system. You can either contact the customer and add the e-mail to the system or choose to print and mail the invoice instead.